The EntreVET project is currently in the phase of intensive substantive work. The partners in the project have already prepared training materials in English, which are an adequate response to the deficits (deficiencies) in access to selected training content in the field of entrepreneurship at the European Union level. The purpose of this activity is the design of the training curriculum and the respective development of training material tailored to the entrepreneurial up skilling needs of the VET staff and teachers in VET institutions. The modules are to exploit the “EntreComp Framework” of the EU for the up-skilling of the target groups.
The training materials consist of the following modules::
- Creativity
- Communication and active listening
- Coping with Uncertainty and Risk
- Working with others
- Digital Skills
- Self-awareness
- Taking the Initiative
- Motivation and Persistence
- Valuing Ideas
- Vision
- Financial, Economic Literacy
- Mobilizing resources
- Planning and Management
- Risk Mitigation
Each of the training modules consists of: presentations, training fiche and quiz assessment activities. Currently, the partners are translating materials from English into Polish, Greek and German. Ultimately, the materials will be intended for the following target groups: 1. VET (Vocational education and training) teachers / trainers / mentors, 2. Vet Staff. In the near future, the consortium also plans to implement the Learning Teaching and Training Activity for VET Teachers and Staff, which will take place in Greece, and to organize several multiplier events.